Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is David's birthday, a fact that he is not bothered by, but he doesn't enjoy a lot of fussing and celebrating either. He prefers things pretty quiet and low key. No banners, trumpets, red carpet or balloons. No clowns, jugglers, mimes or bounce houses. Just a nice, normal day with maybe a little bit of special attention to meals and treats (David is a big eater, a fact that is nicely balanced by his quick metabolism).

Today is turning out to be the kind of celebration that he prefers. We had the 'famous' sausage-mushroom-cheese pie and caramel pecan rolls for breakfast, grilled cheese with sweet potato fries for lunch, WoodRanch BBQ for dinner and cherry pie in lieu of birthday cake. As David put it, "It doesn't get much better than this."

For those of you who don't know David, I want to take a moment to help describe what an unbelievably great guy he is. For starters, he has dealt with me for 24 years (21 married and 3 engaged) and has done so with nothing but love, respect and a great sense of humor (one would have to). There is a lot more to him than just being my husband and Holly's Dad, although both are roles that he relishes. I am strangely at a loss for words in how to best describe him without extolling his virtues for pages on end, so let me share this one little story that happened last weekend that sums him up pretty well.

We were driving to Westlake when a cat darted out from between two parked cars and into the street. He slowed, swerved and missed the cat, but unfortunately the car coming from the other direction ran over the cat and did not stop...I am hoping that it is because the other driver did not realize that he had done it. I was traumatized and on the verge of tears as we parked and got out of the truck. We leashed up the dogs, he handed all 3 to me and slowly walked across the street where he gently picked up the limp cat and laid it on the grass on the sidewalk. He didn't want to have anyone else run over the cat even though it was already dead - he said that it just seemed more respectful to move the cat and hope that we could find the owner to tell them.

He's just that kind of guy.

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