Sunday, May 3, 2009

In Flight

Holly went on a retreat weekend last week called is intended to serve as a spiritual renewal for young adults; an age group of course that Holly fits right into.  

Originally, Holly was scheduled to go on the flight last fall and I was going to work it; it was postponed to the last weekend in April, which also happened to be the Ragnar Relay for me with the MIMs (the thrilling details of which you have already read).

Serving as a reminder that things always work out the way they are supposed to, it was perfect that Holly had the opportunity to go through her weekend without me present...while she freely admitted that she would have enjoyed having me there in the background, she realized that it was good for her to strike it out on her own and go through all of the experiences with her new Chrysalis friends.

From a timing persepective, things worked perfectly, I dropped her off Thursday night, did the Ragnar Relay and made it home by 7 pm on Saturday, just in time to shower and go to the candlelight service at 8 pm.  Our friend Elizabeth came out for the candlelight service, which was a huge surprise for the Schnoogs to see not just me, but Elizabeth as well...that is such a cool and special service!

When I showed up for the closing ceremony on Sunday (let's just put it out there, you know that I cried all the way through it!), all of my Emmaus friends who worked the weekend kept telling me how much they enjoyed Holly and how she seemed to have such a great time on the flight.  One of them even mentioned that after a particularly silly/funny thing that Holly did she said, "I am my mother's daughter."

I love that kid!

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