Monday, May 4, 2009


Sunday was the PCRF 5K/10K/Half-marathon in Irvine. This event holds significance for a couple of reasons. The PCRF is a great group that does a lot of good work for kids with cancer. I have had the privilege of doing a number of events with them and have a couple of friends who serve or have served on their Board.

Even more noticeable with this run is the fact the event-posse has grown! Elizabeth, Kris and I did the 10K (Elizabeth's first 10K ever and only her 2nd event...we did the Surf City 5K in February). Lynn and Terri also joined us by doing the 5K, both for the first time in an event and both blowing away their previous personal records for that distance!

Having people you care about at an event, cheering you on and encouraging you for being active is an awesome certainly shows up in the big grins and record-setting milestones!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Looking forward to our next event - and our BIG event in September! Thanks for the incessant chatter and all your support!