Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tri-ed and True

1-mile swim...check. 26-mile bike...check. 6-mile run...check. Sweaty, tired and proud participants...absolutely!!

We successfully completed what we set out to do and are pleased to report that it all went off without a hitch. That 5 am wake-up call was not the most exciting element of the event, but we got up, applied sunscreen and headed down to the shuttles.

There was a lot of time to kill between when we arrived at 6 and when my swim wave took off at 8:15. The humidity was pretty high and the temps were picking up, but lots of hydration and just sitting in the swim pen helped to keep things in check. Strong-steady-slow is how I would describe my performance in the Potomoc, but finishing without incident and having the backside of the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument in my sights for the entire 2nd half of the course was a nice perk!

Things were getting pretty warm once I hit the bike course which took a number of turns through the city and then meandered out into a nice woodsy area. Not too hilly, I might add that I rocked that route (in my humble opinion) at 1 hour and 29 minutes - that would be an average of about 17 mph!

Jonathan took to the streets at about 10:45 and did a great job on the run...especially given the 'real feel' temperature of 96 degrees, whew! Eric and I walked over to the route and got a glimpse of the J-meister twice on the course, cheering him on of course!

All finished without incident and strong! Eric was a great support for the team and is committed to getting some time in the pool so that he will be ready for the swim in our next event (location tbd).

We are now lounging in the room, waiting for our lunch to arrive and enjoying the cooling benefits of the A/C. Life is good, we feel proud of our little venture today and are going to lie low until it cools off a bit. Rumor has it that we are going to visit a few of the memorials tonight to take advantage of the lighting for dramatic effect!

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