Saturday, March 14, 2009

iMac Attack

At last. After fighting our Dell PC for the last 6 months, including a 3-week stint without any Internet connection, the Newton's are now with a real computer...the all-new 24" iMac (cue the angels singing).

Bonus to this most excellent acquisition is the fact that my friend, Pastor Craig is a regular techno geek (he makes me look like an idiot in all things technology), is a huge Mac fan and willingly set my new computer up, including the addition of an external hard drive. Gone are the days of me fretting over the potential of lost photos or music, or even documents for that matter. I have actually been challenged to try and run out of memory space between the two new items...I like the thought of having everything sound and secure!

I have been a Windows/PC user for a long time because that is the standard in the workplace. I actually got my computer start on a Macintosh (I think that is what the little box was called in the mid-80's), so firing up the new machine is like coming home. There are features and functions that I never even dreamed that I ever wanted, let alone needed. I am confident that I will soon be wondering how I ever did without it.

Holly is just going to be glad that she can access her email and burn some CDs!!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Welcome back to the Mac! I know you will be very happy with your stylin' iMac. The included software (iTunes, iMovie, etc) are strong media-making tools. Plus you can get a Mac version of the Microsoft Office suite and still communicate with the PC world. Let me know if you need tech support.