Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kank Kue

Doing my piece on "thank you" the other day reminded me of Holly when she was a little Schnoogs. David was driving somewhere in his truck, just the two of them. She was probably barely 2, as she was in her car seat with her feet dangling over the end just enough to occasionally kick the gear shift if David wasn't paying attention.

Holly wasn't particularly verbal in her early days; I used to worry when other parents with 2-year olds talked about the incessant chatter that they endured from their toddlers, while Holly remained a minimalist in her speech. Of course, I now know that she was just mastering her craft because by the time she was 3 or 4, she was speaking like a college student, but I digress...

Back to David and Holly in the truck, running errands around Oxnard. I imagine it was a typical beach day, sunny and comfortable. The windows down, Holly's wispy little hair blowing in the wind while she takes it all in. David, looking to start a little conversation with his daughter says, "So Holly, what do you say?"

Without missing a beat, she pops out in her high, little voice "Kank kue" (her version of thank you at the time). Clearly, we had drilled the importance of saying thank you into her young little mind early on. Missing was the authenticity and understanding of why and when!

Flash forward 16 years...I think that we've got it mastered now!

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