Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Meaning of @#$%

The time change, though a bit tough to maneuver in the morning hours early on, is a good thing for my running habits. During standard time, I have good intentions to run at work before getting on the road, but the thought of being out there amongst the traffic in the dark always kills the mood and I end up running really late on some green belt near the house, or having to skip the workout altogether...none are optimal in my book!

The new schedule seems to allow for me to come in early, do the work thing until 5, then change into some fancy running clothes and hit the local streets for a bit, typically logging 4 or 5 miles. By the time I return (looking a bit less glamorous than when I first started the day), most people have gone home and I can settle in for another hour of wrap-up and follow-up, allowing the traffic to ease up before I head out.

With all of that context, imagine if you will, me trotting along at about mile #2, jamming to the iPod and enjoying the cool air. I suddenly see a brown greyhound making a beeline straight for me and I am not exactly sure what to it friendly, hungry or territorial? Is it glad to see me or would it just as soon rip a chunk out of my arm? These are the questions that are flying through my head as I am simultaneously trying to figure out what to do. The dog was up and on me before I really had a grasp of things and then suddenly, a woman I presume to be his owner shouted out a word that couldn't POSSIBLY be his name, and then yelled at me, "GET HIM!"

The dog with the questionable and offensive name shot off like a bullet, which left me standing in front of the not-too-happy owner. She again spat out that word and took off after him. Basically unfazed, I sped back up to my slow trot and continued down the sidewalk, wondering about the meaning of @#$%.

It is always an adventure, running on the streets in LA!

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