Saturday, March 7, 2009


It has been a crazy couple of weeks, as evidenced by my absence of postings. Daphne had a big couple of days when she had to go to the vet for some surgery.

Th good news is that Daphne is on the mend now, far more alert and energized than she appears in the picture here. I won't bore (or gross) you with all of the details on what she had done, but she was anesthetized for a couple of hours and no doubt was feeling pretty tough as she came back around. She is pictured here on the couch, nestled in with a couple of blankets by Holly, who apparently felt that because part of Daphne's fur had to be shaved, she might be cold.

It took almost a week for Daphne to get back to her normal self, and she willingly passed on any long walks for several nights before having any desire to venture out. I've noticed that animals listen to their bodies and respond accordingly. They don't push themselves to do something that doesn't feel right. They've got no one to impress, no work deadlines to worry about.

Dogs are smart like that.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

We can learn a lot from dogs - give Daphne an extra rub behind the ears for me.