Sunday, March 8, 2009


The "back 40" as David refers to the extended piece of our backyard, is filled with lots of interesting critters. Rabbits, squirrels, and the occasional possum find their way into the yard, much to the delight of our resident huntress, Scooby. It is not uncommon, then, to have one of the dogs come wake us up in the middle of the night under the guise of an "emergency" visit to the backyard. One never wants to take a chance on the reason for the request, so if a dog barks at 2 am, David is getting up (I mange to sleep a little more thoroughly and figure that I did my middle of the night responses to Holly crying all of those years ago).

The night that Daphne came back from her surgery turned into quite an exciting evening. Sometime around 1:45 am, I heard some barking, dozed back off, heard some shuffling in the room, dozed back off and then snapped awake with a start. What was that smell? I realized that the lights were on in the family room and there was some sort of commotion. I staggered out to see what was happening and see Daphne stranded, feet on the couch, unable to lift herself up. David is in the kitchen, holding onto Scooby's collar, seemingly stuck in place. And it smelled, horribly!

We must have looked like a couple of lunatics, frozen in our spots. I wanted to help Daphne up but didn't want to touch her stitches, Scooby had obviously been sprayed by a skunk and needed to be cleaned up. She apparently had attempted to rub it off on the couch, in our bedroom and in the hallway, but it was still pretty strong. David popped a can of tomato juice out of nowhere (I certainly didn't buy it, the texture of that stuff makes me a little gaggy!) and was rubbing it on Scooby. I managed to give Daphne a boost up on the couch (the one that now smells like skunk thanks to Scooby), took one look at the scene and decided that I was going back to bed.

Let me tell you, it is hard to fall back asleep when the smell of skunk and tomato juice permeates every molecule of air. I managed to do it, though!

The couch however, may never be the same...


Ebe said...

That's why I have an indoor cat! So what did Shadow think of all that was going on? And good luck with the couch!

Krisandr said...

Eau de Skunk. I have such fond memories...not! of having to give our dog Mandy a bath of tomato juice. The stench of skunk is horrible!