Saturday, January 22, 2011


This has been a full week and admittedly it started out with my head in the wrong place - I was feeling cranky around how many demands are placed on my time at work and in that I was losing sight of everything else that I have going on and just HOW MANY great people that I have in my life to enhance, enrich and make it fun.

I squeezed in a dinner with my Emmaus peeps on Wednesday, had a couple of GOOD belly laughs in a few different quick conversations on the phone with David, Holly and a couple of other friends over the course of the week, I made it out to SOTHUMC Friday night for Centering Prayer and then met with some old friends for dinner and then I attended my first training of the season with the MIMs this morning!

Add to that a benefit show tonight, a 1/2 marathon in Carlsbad tomorrow, lunch with a friend and her kids, followed by a visit from an out-of-town friend...whew! There are a couple of key words that come to mind..Blessed. Lucky. Abundant.

There are a lot of great people in my life, all of whom add amazing diversity, dimension and joy to my days. If you are reading this, you are one of these significant people in my life, so thank you!

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