Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making the Magic Happen

I am sorry to report that I did not realize that I had completely zoned on blogging yesterday until just a few minutes ago...I am not yet in the disciplined state of consistency as my friend Elizabeth, who is on track to complete an entry every day for the month of January...and then I am sure she will carry forth into all of Q1, the first six months, and eventually the whole year. Let's just take it a day at a time here.

The day was long yesterday and admittedly, I was not in the most delighted of moods at the prospect of coming back to work after a SUPER fun week with the Schnoogs in Orlando and quite frankly, just some time away from the crazy yogurt place where everything is a burning priority.

I decided after the incredibly long day yesterday and early start today, I need to think about what is right with this scenario rather than what is wrong. I sat at my desk for a moment and just took it all in and realized that, while things do go at a frenetic pace all day long and I am continuously interrupted with questions, requests, demands, inquiries and solicitations, I have created a pretty nice space for myself that both represents who I am and keeps me grounded in what is important.

Two computer monitors (phenomenal for multi-tasking, you must consider trying it!) sit amongst the basics I need for answering the however many questions I get a day, but if you look closely, you can also see nestled in amongst the required desk items a few pictures and tokens of what keeps me ticking - the faith hanger that a co-worker gave to me, pictures of the dogs, Holly and us as a family, my ever-full cup of tea and bladder-buster cylinder of water, a silly business definition of "job spill" (I live it!) - these are the things that remind me constantly that life is good and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Yep, this is where I make the magic happen. I will not deny however that it will be nice next week when I make that same magic happen from home, a far more enjoyable work environment in my humble opinion!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

In our customer service classes, we talk about having a few things at our desk that make us happy - I've taken that philosophy a bit to the extreme on my work desk! Of course I don't have one of those silly computers (let alone two monitors) at my desk to fill up space - why would a trainer who develops materials need a computer on her desk?! And I have to admit - the first picture I noticed on your desk was of Mr Freddie!