Friday, January 14, 2011


Now that I have returned from vacation, today has been all about focusing on preparations for the first teambuilding session for our upcoming Walk to Emmaus in March. Always a great experience, this specific (Walk #44) one is going to be particularly significant for me as I have been asked to serve as Lay Director.

Getting further and further into this process, I have to wonder if the Board of Directors for the Channel Islands chapter really knows what it got itself into. (I serve on the board but was politely asked to leave the room while my appointment was considered...they should have had me stay, I could have provided some perspective that might have been helpful!) This is one of those journeys that I will look back on and realize just how much it moved, changed and grew me, but right now, in the thick of it...whew!

The verse that was placed on my heart for this Walk is 2Corinthians 3:12 - Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.

Hope isn't going to get it all done, but it is a good start and I will certainly provide as much bold as I can!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

If todays team meeting is any indication - the Lord has amazing things planned for the Pilgrims - nice job! And I feel blessed to serve the Lord on this weekend with you - as the boss of me (and Kim).