Friday, January 7, 2011


Thank you to my fine friend Ebe for gently reminding me that one blog posting does not effectively support a return from hiatus! It was after this not-so-subtle reminder that I learned that I fell asleep at the switch because we both had a posting idea about church last week and because I have not been disciplined about blogging...she has beat me to the punch!

Not to worry. There is a lot of good stuff between the two of us and after I finish typing this, I am going to go read hers, just to compare our interpretation and take-away. This is the beauty of independent thinking, we all have our opinions and beliefs, few of which match exactly and all contribute to the rich tapestry of our lives.

With that fine preamble, let's talk about being significant. Craig challenged us on January 2nd to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. Not in 7 decades, 7 years or even 7 weeks but in 7 days, as in this week. A daunting task, but as I listened to his message and thought about how we put so much emphasis in being successful vs. significant, I really felt as if all at once I had a crystal clear picture of what I need to think about each and every day when I get up in the morning (or the middle of the night, depending upon what 4 am feels like to you).

It is really quite liberating, really. Successful is trying to live or measure up to someone else's expectations. Significant is using your gifts and talents to make a difference in the world. Some people get the flashy tasks, but for the large majority of us, significance is found throughout the ins and outs of daily life...being fully present and fully engaged.

I like this living significantly approach; let's watch the difference unfold in the world around!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Nicely done! I very much enjoyed your perspective.