Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Routine

Trying to get back into the routine of things after having a full week of vacation. A bit of a slow start this morning, as I intended to run first, but got caught up in my book (really the kindle, but the end result of reading is the same!), then decided to check some Facebook stats, see what blogging activity has gone on, and took a peek at the number of emails that await for review tomorrow (it is still loading, so I shudder to think about what that number is going to net out to) and get a plan going for the day.

It is always interesting to me to realize just how much I pack into a "normal" week and what my routine really looks like some days. You might say crazy, I prefer "full". At any rate, the full day is about to commence and when the sun sets, I will have run a 10K, gone food shopping, shopped at Target, done the laundry, cooked 3 of the dinners for next week, vacuumed and walked the dogs (the evening walk only; I missed the am walk at the beach).

Glad to be back in the routine!

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