Friday, January 14, 2011

One Awesome Trip 5...the final chapter.

The EPIC vacation is winding to a close and we only technically have a 1/2 day to squeeze in one more trip to the Magic Kingdom...fortunately both Holly and I have the skills to make the most of our remaining time!

I signed us up for a return trip and luggage service, so we received confirmation that we were signed in at the airline and once we stopped by the kiosk at the front of the hotel to show our ID and drop our bags, all was complete. We got up early, packed and made our way over to the front of the resort (about a 1/4 mile walk from our room) at 7 am. Might I add that it was 30 degrees. Isn't Orlando supposed to be the Sunshine State?

We were at the Magic Kingdom, queued up and ready to go by 7:45. We enjoyed the benefit of early arrival (8 am), so we were among the first 25 people to ride Space Mountain, not too shabby!

A ride on the People Mover was a must, since Schnoogs has never experienced that ride in the CA park. We enjoyed several other rides and attractions before seeing too many other people in the park. We also hit up most of the rides in Fantasy Land and I must say, that Winnie the Pooh ride is pretty darn cute!

We managed to successfully squeeze in EVERY ride we wanted to by 10:45, just about the time that the park was really filling up. We were still FREEZING, so we made our way out front to wait for our bus and entertained ourselves in the shade for 30 minutes while we watched bus after bus pass us by, but none were headed back to the Coronado Springs Resort! The truth is that we have become so accustomed to just having anything that we want or need just about any time it was needed that this wait seemed so foreign!

We skidded in at exactly 11:45 to catch our shuttle to the airport. The return home took 2 airplanes making a total of 3 takeoffs and landings, so once we walked in the door (a full 13 hours after we drove off the Disney property in Orlando), it was all we could do to hug David, greet the dogs and go to bed.

That was one awesome trip.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Nothing beats the people mover! I wish they would bring it back to California - glad to hear you had such a wonderful time!