Thursday, January 20, 2011

We REALLY Love Lucy

While in Orlando, the Schnoogs and I got into a long conversation about Lucille Ball - I think it was while we were eating dinner in the Brown Derby, recalling the whole episode where Lucy stalks Bill Holden - we agreed that not only was she brilliant at taking the mundane or ordinary and making it funny, but also how her humor endures...minus the overly demure housewife stereotypes that were typical of the early and mid 50's.

In classic Schnoogs form, she came home and found a complete set online, sweet-talked David into getting it for her and BAM! Upon my arrival home Tuesday night, there was the set and the first DVD was already loaded in the player.

The pilot was (in Ebe-speak) fascinating. The set was very temporary and small, there was a lot of focus on Ricky's performances and singing, it was an odd 33 minutes long, but when all is said and done, it launched a whole new generation of entertainment to the world.

Vitameatavegimin is among some of the first episodes, I can't wait for that!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

Leave it to Schnoogs to be in charge of entertainment!