Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am always learning things about life in general from the dogs. In fact, there was a string of books back in the mid '80's started by Robert Fulgum's essay (and subsequent book), All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten which then launched a slew of "All I really needed to know" books including, naturally, Everything I Need to Know I Learned From My Dog. (Richard Smith authored it in 2007 for those of you keeping score at home). The point in all of this context setting of course, is to confirm the fact that the simplest and most basic of truths is our life are right in front of us every single day, ready to be realized and discovered.

This morning for me it was up on the hillside where David takes the pups every morning for their 3 mile jaunt through the canyons (there is even a portion that we call cardiac hill; aptly named due to the steep nature of the incline and pretty impressive workout that anyone walking to the top of it will incur within the first 25 yards or so). Scooby and Daphne (7 and 8 years old, respectively) trot up the hillside sniffing for critters and evidence of anyone or anything that may have dared to tread on their ground since the previous day's visit. David and I trudge right along...and then there is Shadow. 14 years old next month (I'll do the canine math, that's just about 98 dog years!) and fighting arthritis in her hind legs, Shadow plods along every single day...not so much to keep up with the other two dogs, but more to be out there, enjoy the fresh air and exercise and say to us, "See?? I can still get around pretty well for an old lady!"

I must admit that we often refer to Shadow as "Turbo" when we stop at certain points along the walk to wait for her to catch up. Today, when I looked back and saw her just moving right along at her own pace, it was clear determination that I saw on her graying little muzzle. She may not be fast but she has enough determination for the entire pack, and when is all said and done, that is what everyone needs to really get through their days to feel accomplished.

Pretty impressive how a dog who will spend the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon sleeping (she has to rest up and prepare for that evening walk) inspired me to attack cleaning out the closets in the master bedroom with a true determination and conviction to get it done before the day is over...even if I do stop several times to browse through some of the long-lost treasures that I may uncover!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

All I can say about Shadow is - God Bless Her!