Friday, October 24, 2008

Making Good Choices

It is late October...a time when the thoughts of many high school seniors turn applications!! It is no different at the Newton household. Ignoring the fact that I have been talking to Holly about making good choices for her life and college since about 1993, selecting the right college has been a topic of significance around the house for the past 18 to 24 months, most seriously in the past 3 months or so. Admittedly, it was a trifle overwhelming for the Schnoogs when we first started discussing it - I am not sure that she could really imagine leaving home when she was only 15 years old.

A couple of years into the process and things are finally starting to settle in. Even the preferred course of study is changing and really taking shape. We started back in about the 2nd grade as a veterinarian (and her friend Rachel - the one she plays softball with - was going to be her assistant), moved into middle-school math teacher territory by the 7th or 8th grade and now it is shaping up to be some kind of film arts degree. Quite a diverse journey in interests, but it is a part of the growing-up process and watching it happen while asking questions to understand the thought rationale remains a very interesting element of it for David and I.

I walked into the office tonight to see Holly working intently on the computer and was pleased to realize that it was her first on-line college application! I also learned that it was for California State University at Northridge and they are holding a 'preview' day for prospective students and parents on Saturday - as in tomorrow - and she had RSVP'd for both of us. Well, I can't argue here, it isn't as if I have had a very full schedule of late!

Looks like I am going to learn all about CSUN tomorrow!

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