Thursday, October 23, 2008

WHO gave me Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans??

This is a quick entry because it is amusing to me. I am not really a caffeine person, as has been reported more than once in this blog. I get kind of amped up, sweat a bit around my hairline and start speaking far too quickly for most people to really grasp or understand. We all know this and for that reason I typically go decaf or just skip it altogether.

One time about 14 years ago when I was still pretty new at Cinnabon, I agreed to help shoot a training video that had to be filmed at night so that we could take advantage of using the bakery while the mall was closed and we would not have to compete with customers or other foot traffic. As acknowledgement of the upside down schedule, Kathie the training director (still affectionately referred to as 'Girlfriend Kathie Shaw' or GFKS to this day) made a little care package for each of us and included some chocolate covered espresso beans, all of which I ate in the span of about 15 minutes.

Shortly thereafter, one of my general managers who was also at the shoot figured it out. You could hear her shouting throughout the mall, "WHO gave Jan chocolate covered espresso beans???" I am not sure that it translates as well, but that still comes up every now and again in conversation when GFKS and I recall something silly that we did in the 'earlier' and less refined days of our career.

Now that you have all of that context, you can better understand the horror on David's face when he saw a partially-eaten tin of the same offending beans on the table when he came home for lunch and then he began to piece together why I was talking a hundred miles a minute. I had some. They are tasty!

I think that David put me in my place and killed the espresso/chocolate induced buzz when he was watching me review my blogs and asked, "Does anybody actually read that?"

WHO asked him anyway??

1 comment:

Krisandr said...

Tell him your fellow North Sea trekkers do!