Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Schnoogie's got some WHEELS

Well, it was bound to happen. Holly has hit a significant point in her illustrious youth - she now has her own car. No more asking to borrow the Lexus or Little Toyota. Nope. As of tonight she now has her own car to care for...and it is the 'newest' in terms of model year too! She has a 2004. David's work truck is a 2003, my car is a 2001, and the Little truck is a '97!

I must admit that this snuck up on me somewhat. David had scouted this particular make and model after doing some investigating with Holly, and then the great waiting game began. This is intended to be an 18th birthday gift (which is just 8 weeks away). If given the chance, I might have brought it home and held it or surprised her a bit, but David was all business on this venture and so it has been gifted early.

I am sorry to say that I was not privy to witness the purchase or see the maiden voyage home, but I will have plenty of opportunity in the coming week to chronicle, photograph and blog the adventures of Holly and her wheels.

If anyone has seen my little 2-year old daughter, please let me know. She was just here a week or two ago, I could swear!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

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