Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Secret Life of Mees

I seem to be having a creativity block. That is the only valid excuse that I can think of for the title of today's blog. It is supposed to be a twist on the book-now-movie The Secret Life of Bees but somehow doesn't translate as well. There is not a whole lot of secret to my life if it is all out here on the blog, but I liked the book and the movie, and it at least got me moving in the direction of a post, so there you go. I have also been craving honey of late, but I suppose that is a different issue.

My Mom and I saw the movie together on Tuesday while I was visiting in Hemet - it is always nice to have an excuse to have some soda and popcorn in the middle of the day - and it is interesting to me how civil rights even today remain something that aren't a given for everyone. I could probably wax on poetically for quite some time on how wrong I feel it is to deny any person their fundamental rights as a citizen, so suffice it to say that I am indeed the product of a very liberal upbringing and in that I have zero appetite for ANY group of people being oppressed or denied privileges afforded to any other US citizen.

With that said, I rather enjoyed beating my Mom at her own odd humor game. We were talking about how things were back in the 60's and early 70's when I was a kid and she commented that my grandparents were not very enthused about the fact that my mom and dad took my younger brother and I to rallies and demonstrations. She said that she could understand now why they didn't like it because she would have been uncomfortable if I ever took Holly to such an event. With razor-like timing (naturally!), I said, "She did OK at that NRA gun-rights rally I took her to when she was 3." Dead silence. I got her good!!!

Neither I nor Holly have ever attended an NRA rally by the way...not even in my most secret of lives!

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