Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All Hail to the Pizza Stone!

Pizza is a popular dinner item at the Newton household, but only if it is home made. Holly and her friends will occasionally order from one of the many local sources, but we get excited when the pizza is being made at home...we even portion it out to allow for leftovers the next day, and each of us stakes our claim to our leftover slice.

The entire pizza experience was enhanced on Saturday when I tried out the new pizza stone that I finally bought. This item has been on my list of "to do" for quite some time, but I had not stumbled upon the one that made me happy or seemed quite right. I finally found the right one for the right price out at an outlet mall (along with a french press coffee maker, which has also been on the list of things that I fancy), so the debut run was on Saturday night.

What took us so long? Good grief, that thing is great! The crust is a bit crisper, the whole thing seemed to cook better and more evenly...if you aren't using a stone to make your pizza (assuming you enjoy the steps required to do this), I highly encourage you to do so.

You will not be disappointed, except of course if you finish your leftover piece before the rest of the family does. Then, you just might find yourself eyeing that aluminum foil triangle package in the refrigerator, wondering if you could really play off "accidentally" eating a bonus slice.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I've had a pizza stone for years and bake all sorts of things on it - I love it - welcome to a brave, new world! Enjoy!