Sunday, April 12, 2009

Springtime in Los Angeles

I was walking to the bus on Friday, traveling through a little LA neighborhood that is tucked right off of Wilshire Blvd.  Although a light jacket was required, I realized that the temperature was MUCH more temperate than what I was in earlier this week.  I also realized that everything is in bloom right now, and it is pretty striking.

I am sure that anyone looking out their window was wondering what the heck I was doing, pointing my Blackberry at various plants.  I enjoy the flower close-up.  When we took an Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago, one of our stops was Butchart Gardens in Victoria, Canada.  I think that it was raining, but all 3 of use were out there, cruising the rose garden, taking photos.  If I recall, there was something in the neighborhood of 200 photos just from that excursion.

I really enjoy the flowers...thus, I really enjoy the spring!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

I don't blame you for taking photos at Butchart Gardens - even in the rain - it is just Beautiful!