Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Day of Rest

Sunday is hike day at the Newton's - at least for David, the dogs and I (Holly opts to sleep in on Sunday, waking up just in time to get to church).  Ever on the prowl for a new space to investigate, we discovered a bonus segment in the Conejo Open Space network of trails; another leg of a trail that we use called the Los Robles trail.

The weekend was another perfect one, with clear, cool skies and plenty of sunshine rewarding all of us up and out early enough to appreciate the day ahead of us.  In addition to leaving Holly behind to sleep in, we had another member of the family opt out of the early morning hike...Shadow.

Admittedly, both David and I were a little worried that something was wrong with the oldest member of our pack (at 14 1/2, she translates to something like 100 years old) because she just flat out didn't show any interest when we gathered everyone and rolled out the door early in the morning.  I think that she was pretending to be asleep so that we wouldn't bother her.

The good news is that Shadow looked alert and rested when we came home, following our every move so that she will be ready to go the next time that we head out for a walk.  We all breathed a big sigh of relief and realized that at some point in time, everyone, even the dog, just needs a day of rest.

1 comment:

Ebe said...

All I can say is - God Bless Her! And from the picture - the path looks beautiful!