Thursday, April 9, 2009

Back in the Big Apple

It has been about 6 months since my last visit to NY, so I was pretty happy to have the opportunity to return to the crazy and exciting place that is New York City. The trip was planned to be a full one, all work-focused with a heavy agenda designed to see stores, meet the operating group and check in on our newest!

The trip started out bright and early on Monday with a 4-am wake-up call to catch the 6:50 am flight. Burbank remains (in my humble opinion) the best airport EVER to fly in and out of. No issues, no hassles and smooth sailing onto the plane.

I am a sleeper on take-off and landing, thanks to years of commuting back and forth to the Bay Area. Something about the bumping, bouncing and turbulence just rocks me right to sleep. I might as well be drugged, don't ask me why! True to form, I dozed as we backed out from the gate. I woke up some time later and realized that we were still on the ground. After almost an hour on the runway, we were being sent back to the gate because JFK was citing a 4-hour delay for landings due to weather and construction. We sat at the gate for about 30 minutes, waiting to get off the plane. Nope. Sit back down and buckle up because we have been granted clearance and have to leave NOW.

As I have always said, any flight that ultimately ends in a landing that I can then go on my merry way is a good one, so although I arrived about 3 hours later than planned, I made it and still had time to visit several stores while walking around the city.

It rained on and off through Monday, creating a cool, cloudy, misty kind of air about the city. I took the above picture at about 11:45pm, because it just struck me as being pretty and kind of cool.

I think that despite all of the craziness about NYC, that would be my quick description of the city too.

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