Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fartlek'n Donkeys

Ragnar Relay...leg 2. Part of the fun of the relay is being out on the road with the different teams, their vans and their enthusiasm. The MIMs were easy enough to spot with our floral jersey's and vans. Some teams were a bit more creative in either their name or van bling, but none in my opinion as funny as the Fartlek'n Donkeys.

Let's just accept the fact that I can be about 12 sometimes in my humor; what actually makes this team so entertaining to me is the donkey...they had a little plastic burro that went from runner exchange to runner exchange, and for the first 2/3 of the race, we paced right along them, so we got a lot of donkey time.

The Fartlek'n part actually refers to a training program for runners designed to improve speed. The Fartlek method was designed by someone in Sweden, I am assuming that this is a Swedish word, but that could be anyone's guess. The donkey part is the humorous element, when we asked the team in van #1 how they came up with the name, they said that they weren't sure, but it had to be a donkey.

It made me smile to see my friends the donkeys out there on the course, especially at the runner exchange and as they honked their support.

I love that little donkey!

1 comment:

Ebe said...

It must be something about that type of animal - we have a burro pinata at work that makes appearances at a lot of department functions! Always gives us quite the laugh!