Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Countdown Begins

It has been looming for more than 18 years, more prominently in the last few months than prior years, but the day is coming...Schnoogs is going to graduate from High School.

In preparation for the momentous occasion, I have been gathering some photos of my little Scholar, dating all the way back to the beginning...1990 in her case...and of course reminiscing in the process.

I have also discovered much to my dismay that the school pictures for 2nd through 6th grade are missing (as in I can't find them), and that is messing with my big plan for a cool gift.  I have torn through the place they should be and am now working my way through the places that they shouldn't, but could possibly be, but still no luck.

Holly just informed me that graduation is in 9 weeks; I'd better find those missing school years or I am going to have to get creative in where I get copies of those pictures.  Who knew I would end up looking scattered and disorganized in the last weeks of Holly's public school career?

Who knew she would finish up and move away so quickly?

The clock is ticking...until then, enjoy this photo of a 3-year old Holly, already showing an inclination to books and reading!

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