Friday, April 3, 2009

Like Water for Chocolate

Holly and I caught one of my favorite movies on TV last weekend, Como Agua para Chocolate, otherwise known as Like Water for Chocolate.  I highly recommend that it be viewed in its original Spanish version with English subtitles...dubbing would (in the Newton women opinion) ruin the movie.

David, ever the critic, dubbed it a chick flick, but I did notice that he was equally engrossed in the plot, which is a love story told through recipes and food (no wonder I like it).  I have seen it a number of times and learned that Holly has seen it a couple of times too, yet we still get completely sucked in when it is playing.  There are some incredibly poignant moments and also some extremely subtle but great humor points that makes me laugh out loud - always a measure of good humor in my opinion!

Because David was grousing so much about the girl nature of the movie, we turned on The Notebook to watch next.  That will teach him to grumble about chick flicks!

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