Monday, April 20, 2009


It is not new news that I try to do one physical/fundraising event a month.  It keeps me at least working to be in shape and it also helps me to stay focused on my philanthropic interests.  I have learned in the last year or so that I am better suited doing the small, regional events.  They aren't as fancy and slick as the bigger events, but I enjoy the local flavor of the activity, the community involvement, and the knowledge that the money we are raising is going straight to the cause it is intended to serve.

Sunday was a new event, called Victory for Victims, and it focuses on helping kids who have been victims of sexual abuse.  Not a pleasant topic, but sadly something that goes on, and these kids need advocates and mentors to help them pull through it not completely destroyed.  Northridge Hospital (located in the San Fernando Valley) has a  program called CATS, and they work in tandem with the LAPD to help these kids.   

I dragged David and the dogs along; there is a large recreation area called Lake Balboa that I remember to have a lot of different paths and routes to walk along.  David and the dogs walked, I ran the 8K and we all finished up at about the same place and the same time!  It was cute to see how excited the dogs were when they saw me loping around the final turn.  I was probably as excited to see them, because that meant that I was almost 91 degrees, I would describe the morning as HOT.

Put in perspective to the cause that we were running for, I think that I can stand a little heat!

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