Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Short Hike...part 2

Still hiking! The good news is the alleged baby rattlesnake never showed it's rattles, so disaster averted. I am not sure what Jax and I thought we could accomplish with our rocks; I think that I was just hoping to buy a moment or two to run should I have actually ran into the slithery little creature. Did I mention how little I enjoy snakes, especially crazy, spastic, poisonous ones?

Once the drama and excitement around the snake died down, our attention turned to the path. There were a few sections that were not clearly marked and it was hard to figure out if we should turn or continue down the path. After making a scenic jaunt through a fire road and back, we were on the final stretch home, only another hour and a half or two to go!

As we were walking through (what I think is called) Malibu Creek Park, Jax politely commented on my consistent speed and pace. It never varies. I don't speed up, I don't slow down, I just trudge along. I think that the translation of his comment was, "Come on Speedy, you are holding me back," but Jax is far too polite to ever say that. We wrapped up and made it to the car as the sun was quickly sinking in the sky...7:15 pm.

The final mileage of the short hike? 17.5 miles. I really should have gone for more than just the dirt level on my shoes when I selected them!

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