Friday, October 17, 2008

Lucky Devil

Today turned out to be a bonus Unemployment Friday for Jonathan and I (you might recall that we did our big Westlake walk on Wednesday because I had a community service project planned for this weekend). I am sorry to report that the event was cancelled due to a limited number of participants, so I suddenly have 3 days without any plans.

Not to be left just sitting around, I called Jax and invited him down for an 'LA Day'...I have recently discovered some pretty exciting transportation options which I will share in greater detail on a future posting, but for now just understand that the drive into LA on a Friday was not a deterrent so we decided that this was the day to make it happen!

The highlight of the entire trip was lunch (isn't that always the case with food and yours truly??) at a place called Lucky Devils. It came on high recommendation from my friend Sue 'The Playah' and for good reason! In her words, 'I dream of the toasted pecan milkshakes'. SERIOUSLY!! I will now dream of them too! The meal was sooooooo good that Jonathan and I really just wanted to order one more beer (they have an amazing selection of micro brews on draught) and stay for the rest of the day. The milkshake was definitely a highlight, but the sweet potato fries rocked, as did my grilled cheese sandwich (three cheeses plus I added avocado), Jonathan's Rosemary Turkey was all fantastic. Add into that a cool decor and great service, five stars for our friends at Lucky Devils!

After gorging ourselves on our spectacular meal, we opted to do some walking along Hollywood Blvd to see the sights, the people and of course the stars! Check out some of the quality photos that emerged from the day. I have to give a shout out here to the characters at Hollywood & Highland. This is the mecca for people watching - both the tourists AND the people who make a living off the tourists. We must have stood in the courtyard at Mann's Chinese Theater for a good 20 minutes, just watching the way that people reacted to the characters and the what a racket the celebrity photo business is! Jonathan has a theory that the two Marilyn Monroe's were a mother/daughter team...I don't know if we have ANY theory on the Wonder Woman scenario, other than Jax refused to take a picture even when I offered to pay for him to pose with her. Something about not wanting to encourage her.

Our stomachs still full and feeling rather drowsy from the hot sun (and probably also the beers wearing off), we jumped back onto our fabulous public transportation and made the trek back to Thousand Oaks/Oxnard. Although we did not really keep to any real physical activity, this is going on the list as one of my favorite Unemployment Fridays thus far!


Ebe said...

Mmmm... the meal sounds Wonderful! Sweet potato fries are one of my favorites! And people watching - one of the best activities on the planet! Glad to hear you had a good time - although sorry to hear the reason you had the time free.

Fun times with Barb and Joan said...

ok, email should have been written after i read the blog entry. sorry about the cancelation of the community service event. the pecan shake sounds like it could have made all things feel much better :) that sue really knows her food establishements. i've been on the recieving end of th esuggestions before !