Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am not sure that I know anyone who enjoys doing their taxes. We are no exception and add into that the fact that David is self-employed, and not among the top10% business owners when it comes to organized record-keeping.

We should know by now that there is going to be some flurry of panicking and looking for a statement by early April, but every year in January when I mention the "T" word, I am summarily dismissed and we don't start the scramble until late March.

Fortunately, we have a very good friend who does our taxes for us and in that doesn't really have the time or inclination to look at them too early in the season. She doesn't seem too phased when I call up on April 13th and ask if I can send the stuff over...we just file an extension anyway, but we do have to calculate how much we owe and send it off to avoid any fines.

We are also one of those families that waits until the last mail drop to take our tax check to the post office. It used to make me crazy that we were so late, but over the 21+ years of marriage to Mr. "I can't find my July bank statement," I have learned to just let go and enjoy the ride.

Who doesn't love the post office at 11:59 at night??

1 comment:

Ebe said...

working across the street from the main post office in Santa Ana - I remember one year working late on April 15 only to see people lined up in their cars waiting to drop off their taxes - and the post office having extra people out collecting them - reminded me of a fast food drive thru!